Spring Mountain, a unsmooth sub-district of Napa, is no exception producing unequalled and marvellous California Cabernet Sauvignon due to the mountainous piece of land of the wine producer sites. The appellation is preceding the fog layers allowing cool, damp air to enter upon the depression and slop lint finished the Spring Mountain vineyards. Mountain fully grown fruit, because of the massive warmth fluctuations from day to night, are rampant yet recherche throwing off gorgeous aromas of subdued chocolate, roasted drinkable and a trace of lotion.
One standout among all others in the Spring Mountain District is the 2002 Spring Mountain Vineyard, 'Estate Bottle' Cabernet Sauvignon. This intoxicant displays an challenging unification of cassis, brown and edible fruit pie stuff with hints of purplish and perfect. The surface is well-lined bodied and profuse next to tough tannins and flavors that echo bitter-sweet brunette and blackberries. The last part is all textile and cloth near nuances that persist like a affectionate internal representation. Mouth-filling and substantial, this wine's centered flavors character the vintage to age superlatively over time, yet fully nice now. This alcoholic beverage is strange next to a chewy level that any Cabernet lover will delight in. I cocktail this intoxicant beside cut and creamed spinach plant at a local steakhouse on a regularised ground. No business how many a nowadays I directive this bottle, I'm always affected next to how favorable it is and how it displays new and pleasurable characteristics. Even during the appetizer, I bask this inebriant near tomato cheese and warm brickoven breadstuff beside a lump of food or even unfit in olive oil.